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Monday, September 6, 2010

Once Upon A Dream

Dreams have always been an intriguing thing to me. I've always wondered how the brain works in that department. Some dreams are painful, and I can feel every wound as if it were real. Some dreams are nightmares, and I can never seem to escape them. Some dreams are extremely bizzare, like being able to fly in New York then suddenly you are part of a wedding and the bride turns into a zombie marrying the love of yer life who is actually part of the mafia, the werewolf mafia that is. Some dreams are pleasant, juss spending time with friends and partying. Some dreams are confusing, you wake up and aren't sure if it was juss a dream or if it's reality. Some dreams are real dreams, ones that you wish and hope someday will come true. Some dreams are like the one I had last night. I'm not sure if it has any meaning whatsoever but it's the reason you'll be on my mind all day. I don't remember a lot of it but this is what I do remember: I was at home and you juss so happened to be my next door neighbor? All of a sudden I'm pregnant. Helluh weird how things change in a dream so fast. Then the next thing you know there's a baby in a box. Our son. We weren't on good terms at the time. So my friend and I notice you aren't home. We go to your house and the front door is unlocked. I go inside and I have my boy in the little box. I had decided I didn't want him anymore. That he needed to be your burden and not my reminder of you. Suddenly my friend and I hear your family walk into the door! So we run into the garage and I set the box down. She runs through the side door to hop the gate and I juss opened the garage. Your mom saw me and was confused as to why I was running out of her house. Oddest thing, I was laughing about it all! Then you go into the garage and see the box and me running back home. Oh, you didn't know we had a son either. That's pretty much how it ended. One of those damn weird ass dreams! I know dreams don't really mean anything, well sometimes they do. Anyways, it juss got me thinking when I woke up. I juss was wondering what would happen if I really was pregnant with your child. If it would make you stay and try to work things out, or if you'd split and I'd be one of those single mothers sueing you for child support. Haha oh the things dreams do. So yeah, that was my very weird dream last night. I juss felt like blogging it because it was unique. Then again, all dreams are unique. Hmmmmm.

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